While CG Gruppe AG is no longer operating as an independent project development company, having changed its name and merged with Consus Real Estate AG/Adler Group, the trademark rights and corporate domain remain with the erstwhile company founder. For this reason, we would like to present here a history of CG Gruppe AG up to its change of name in early 2020 and also take a look at Christoph Gröner’s current ventures.
From 2005, the broad range of building contracting work carried out by Christoph Gröner’s construction businesses was increasingly complemented by larger-scale residential project developments in Leipzig, including extensive new-build projects within major urban-quarter developments. In 2007, work started on a property and commercial park development in Leipzig’s Plagwitz district, a project that is still ongoing. And in 2008, despite the onset of the financial crisis at that time, the company moved ahead with its first extensive project development in the Carré Parkaue in Berlin’s Lichtenberg district. The company group gained a national presence in 2011 when it relocated its headquarters from Leipzig to Berlin. Over the years that followed, CG Gruppe AG’s activities were expanded across the whole of Germany. Project developments took place in all major German towns and cities from this point on, and by 2020 the company had evolved into one of Germany’s leading project developers, with more than 800 employees and an overall development volume of around 8 bn euros
Close of CG Gruppe AG
CG Gruppe AG altered its name to Consus RE AG immediately following his departure from the executive board and then changed its legal form in September 2020, becoming Consus RE GmbH. In parallel to this, the shareholders approved the sale of the minority interest held by Christoph Gröner to the majority shareholder, giving him 17 project developments for his new company, Gröner Group GmbH, in return. This transaction took effect in November 2020.
Since that point, there has been no corporate, financial, economic or organisational relationship between him or his companies and Consus RE GmbH or its parent company, Consus Real Estate AG.
Neither is there any such relationship between Christoph Gröner or his companies and the new Consus Real Estate AG parent corporation, Adler Group S.A., Luxemburg (formerly operating as ADO Properties S.A.). The latter gradually assumed the majority share in Consus Real Estate AG through several share purchase agreements from summer 2020, and was thus able to pool around 94% of shares for itself by December 2020.

*CG Elementum and the Gröner Group
*For clarification purposes:
Staytion, Berlin
ÜBerlin, Berlin
Böblinger City Carré, Böblingen
Königshöfe, Dresden
MaryAnn Apartments, Dresden
Palatium, Dresden
Quartier Hoym, Dresden
Benrather Gärten, Düsseldorf
UpperNord Quarter, Düsseldorf
UpperNord Tower, Düsseldorf
SLT107 Schwabenlandtower, Fellbach
Ostend Quartier, Frankfurt
GrandOuest, Frankfurt
Kampus Kaiserlei, Frankfurt/Offenbach
Westend Ensemble, Frankfurt
Billwerder Neuer Deich, Hamburg
Neuländer Quaree, Hamburg
NY Gummiwaaren, Hamburg
CologneApart, Cologne
Teile von COLOGNEO I, Cologne
Arthur-Hoffmann-Straße, Leipzig
FourLiving, Leipzig
Magnolia, Leipzig
Ostforum, Leipzig
Quartier Kreuzstraße, Leipzig